Today’s education system is complex and requires more resources than earlier. Education is provided to rural students mostly through government schools and colleges. Compared with the education facilities available in urban areas, the schools in Rural India have a scarcity of basic needs like drinking water, text books, transportation facilities, infrastructure and competent teachers. Even though the population residing in rural area is very high, not much attention is given to the rural education system. There are more financial issues with parents which leads to lesser preference to education. Parents from rural areas needs financial support for paying fees, buying note books and text books. Schools from rural areas needs some infrastructure support and student’s health check-up support due to lack of proper health and medical infrastructure and professionals.

We Have a Plan

We plan to work on various education support systems for rural areas such as providing missing infrastructure support like fans, benches, water purifiers etc. We are also working on providing text books and note books, drawing material to students. Apart from these needs, we are also planning to provide school dress, chappals/sandals etc. to the students of rural areas from poor families.

Glimpse of Our Activities